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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Ask an Instructor: Effective Date in Cases of Damage

ISA members are invited to send in their questions on all things appraising and education to ISA's instructors. One of ISA's instructors will share answers on the ISA Now Blog. Please send questions to

Question: I'm assisting with a damage claim for my client who suffered the loss when there was a leak in a storage unit. I know the effective date of my appraisal should be the date that the damage occurred, but what if I don’t know the exact date? The damage occurred sometime between when the items were placed in storage on February 3 and when the damage was discovered a few weeks later on February 24. What is the effective date of my appraisal?

Answer: This is a great question that comes up frequently. Since you don't have an exact date of the loss, you would use the date that the damage was discovered as the effective date of your appraisal. In this case, February 24. The only exception may be an instance where the client instructs you to use another date as per their agreement with the storage unit and/or insurance company. Then you would state that the effective date is the date specified by the client.

- Meredith Meuwly, ISA CAPP
Director of Education

1 comment:

  1. I just want to let anyone in Washington State know that right now NO ONE, unless you are a licensed adjuster along with being a credentialed appraiser - yes, really no one, can do ANY insurance claim appraisal report in this state due to a battle between the Insurance commission and the interpretation of the law! You can be fined $250.00 per case, including retroactively! There are people I know here with complete integrity who have done hundreds, if not thousands of these cases over their carrier, and they are concerned and have stopped taking these cases. One of our chapter members has been representing the appraisal community, along with a lawyer, in the public discussion parts of this, and the end game is, the best thing we can do here in WA is say, "we can not do any insurance claim cases here in WA until the Insurance commission sets the standards that need to be adhered to by credentialed appraisers, because we can be fined otherwise! So you as an insurance agent (claimant) need to call and complain about this, as we will not take the cases - period!" This will force the commission's hand, as adjusters in this state apparently have no continuing education requirements, and need only minimal education to fulfill their roll, however, they can bust us for violating the current rules of the insurance commission! Just a heads up, if you want to give me a call, please feel free to do so, I can direct you to the person who has been attending and representing in this case - he is a very sharp guy and I am glad he is the one who is doing that! Greg Brown.
