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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Recent Activities of the Marketing and Promotions Committee

This has been a busy summer for the Marketing and Promotions Committee.  We have redone the piece that goes to potential sponsors and advertisers so that it offers more year-round opportunities for a wider range of budgets (view it here!), placed an ad in Maine Antiques Digest which will run through the fall, brainstormed ideas for future ads, added free links in related industry websites and started reworking our old prospecting brochure.  What’s really great about all this activity is that many members took one project and ran with it.  Some people really did commit hours of effort into their project but most helped achieve major goals with short time commitment.  I say this to let all of you know that there is plenty of room for more busy appraisers to make a contribution to the society through committee involvement. 

When asked what membership benefits are important, members consistently say advertising that leads to jobs for our appraisers.  I commend the creativity of the members of the Marketing and Promotions committee for their efforts to find ways to promote ISA and the use of its members to those who hire us.  We will also be promoting the advantages of our educational system to those who are considering becoming appraisers.  Another aspect of this committee’s task is to find sponsors and advertisers to help pay for further educational programs and for our annual conference.  Now, I understand that raising money is not a favorite hobby for most of you but surprisingly this is one of the most rewarding aspects of my service.  I have had several calls from sponsors who attend conference just to tell me how impressed they are with our programs.  They all tell me that our members are friendly, enthusiastic and knowledgeable.   You are the ones who have resold them on the value of continuing to sponsor and advertise with us. 

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Marketing and Promotions committee please contact board liaisons Libby Holloway, ISA CAPP at: or Steve Roach, ISA AM at: for information on current projects. 

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